| To get the MultiPlayer cheat to work you have to own a server or be on a server that allows cheats. If you are just a player all you have to do is press "T" then Delete the "Say" part that comes up by default and type "adminlogin cheat", (or whatever password the admin had specified) then hit Enter. After you do that, a small message will pop up saying that you have become an administrator, which is a good thing. If you get a weird message at the top, you did something wrong. Go back and check it. Press "up arrow" when you have the Say box on to display the past messages that have been entered. You will have to ask the admin to enter the set code, they'll enter the code. Then you should be able to enter cheat codes. If you are an admin and you want to enable multiplayer cheats youll have to start a server. Once you have it running click on in the unreal server icon on your start bar and go to advanced options. Also open up the console while youre there. Then in advanced options go to game settings and in the admin password field enter cheat. Next exit advanced options and go to your console. To enable cheats in deathmatch you will type the following "set deusex.jcdentonmale bcheatsenabled true" without the quotes. That will allow all players with the jcdenton skin to cheat. If you would like to allow other skins acess to cheats then you will have to replace jcdenton with the name of whatever skin you want to be able to cheat. For team deathmatch cheating you will enter the following line to the console "set deusex.mpunatco (or mpnsf) bcheatsenabled true" (without the quotes). That will allow your players to cheat. (You will need to do this for every new player that enters the game that you want to allow to cheat.) If i were you i would make a backup copy of your system folder to a folder on your desctop. That way if cheaters want to change the gamespeed they can or if they want to play around with settings they can. This will not harm your system in any way. It will however leave a messy system folder. (Thats why you should make a backup system folder so you can have one for cheats enabled server and one for regular server.) They cant change anything outside of your system folder so it is completely safe! I do it occasionally and have had no problems. A cheats enabled server is likely to run slower than a regular server because of all the extra charachters it will have to draw. That takes up a good amount of ram bandwith. Anyways i hope you have fun and i would like to see some organized clan wars with cheats enabled (some rules of course) anyways thats all bye. | 
| To get the cheats working, you're going to have to do some tinkering with your user.ini file. Open the user.ini in the C:\DeusEx directory and find the section where it assigns functions to the keys on the keyboard. Find a key that is unused, preferably "T", and assign it to "talk" by changing the line to something like "T=Talk". Make sure that you assign "Talk" to both the uppercase and lowercase versions of the key. Start-up Deus Ex and make a new game on any difficulty level except Realistic, for which cheats are disabled. Next, press "T". Delete the "Say" part that comes up by default and type "set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True", then hit Enter. It should not matter if you use the correct caps, but sometimes it can. After you do that, nothing will happen, which is a good thing. If you get a weird message at the top, you did something wrong. Go back and check it. Press "up arrow" when you have the Say box on to display the past messages that have been entered. Now, you can enter the cheats. Hit "T", delete the "Say" bit, and type in a code from the lists below. You can also summon animals (maybe people too) and have them attack you. In order to do this you have to be the real admin of the server (mp) or player of the game (sp). Just summon some Karkians and enter this command line. set deusex.karkian ordersattack For animal invincibility heres the command. set deusex.karkian binvincible true -Happy Hunting- =) Cheat Codes god - Toggles God Mode On/Off invisible - Toggles Invisibility On/Off behindview 1/0 - Toggles Third-Person View On/Off fly - Turn on Fly Mode ghost - Turn on No Clip Mode walk - Turn off Fly or No Clip Mode iamwarren - Activates EMP Field allskillpoints - All Skill Points allweapons - All Weapons allammo - Refills Ammo allaugs - All Basic Augmentations tantalus - Kills Current Target opensesame - Unlocks Targeted Door/Panel legend - Brings Up Secret Menu allhealth - Full Health allenergy - Full Energy allcredits - 10,000 Credits allimages - Fills Your Image Archive summon xxxx - Spawn Object (xxxx being name of object) augadd xxxx - Add Augmentation (xxxx being name of augmentation) spawnmass xxxx# - Spawns Multiple Objects (xxxx object name, # amount) open xxxx - Skip to Level (xxxx being name of level) Summonable Lockpick Basketball MultiTool AcousticSensor HazMatSuit SodaCan Candybar Liquor40oz SoyFood VialAmbrosia AdaptiveArmor Binoculars BallisticArmor LiquorBottle Credits WineBottle Cigarettes Medkit VialCrack Flare FireExtinguisher AugmentationUpgradeCannister WeaponPistol WeaponRifle WeaponStealthPistol WeaponShuriken WeaponSawedOffShotgun WeaponProd WeaponPlasmaRifle WeaponAssaultShotgun WeaponFlameThrower WeaponGasGrenade WeaponLAM WeaponCombatKnife WeaponCrowbar WeaponHideAGun WeaponAssaultGun WeaponLAW WeaponPepperGun WeaponMiniCrossbow WeaponSword WeaponBaton WeaponNanoSword WeaponEMPGrenade WeaponNanoVirusGrenade Weapongepgun Ammo10mm AmmoDart AmmoDartPoison AmmoDartFlare AmmoNapalm AmmoPlasma Ammo3006 AmmoRockets AmmoRocketWP Ammo20mm AmmoSabot Weaponmodaccuracy Weaponmodclip Weaponmodrange Weaponmodrecoil Weaponmodlaser Weaponmodscope Weaponmodsilencer Weaponmodreload Terrorist JCDentonMale PaulDenton Greasel Gray TiffanySavage NicoletteDuClare JoeGreen WaltonSimons JojoFine AlexJacobson JaimeReyes BobPage RepairBot MedicalBot Karkian Augmentations AugBallistic AugCloak AugCombat AugEMP AugEnviro AugMuscle AugShield AugRadarTrans AugTarget AugAqualung AugHealing AugStealth AugSpeed AugVision AugDefense AugDrone AugHeartLung AugPower Levels 00_Training 00_TrainingCombat 00_TrainingFinal 01_NYC_UNATCOHQ 01_NYC_UNATCOIsland 02_NYC_Bar 02_NYC_BatteryPark 02_NYC_FreeClinic 02_NYC_Hotel 02_NYC_Smug 02_NYC_Street 02_NYC_Underground 02_NYC_Warehouse 03_NYC_747 03_NYC_Airfield 03_NYC_AirfieldHelibase 03_NYC_BatteryPark 03_NYC_BrooklynBridgeStation 03_NYC_Hangar Mission 03_NYC_MolePeople 03_NYC_UNATCOHQ 03_NYC_UNATCOIsland 04_NYC_Bar 04_NYC_BatteryPark 04_NYC_Hotel 04_NYC_NSFHQ 04_NYC_Smug 04_NYC_Street 04_NYC_UNATCOHQ 04_NYC_UNATCOIsland 04_NYC_Underground 05_NYC_UNATCOHQ 05_NYC_UNATCOIsland 05_NYC_UNATCOMJ12lab 06_HongKong_Helibase 06_HongKong_MJ12lab 06_HongKong_Storage 06_HongKong_TongBase 06_HongKong_Versalife 06_HongKong_WanChai_Canal 06_HongKong_WanChai_Garage 06_HongKong_WanChai_Market 06_HongKong_WanChai_Street 06_HongKong_WanChai_Underworld 08_NYC_Bar 08_NYC_FreeClinic 08_NYC_Hotel 08_NYC_Smug 08_NYC_Street 08_NYC_Underground 09_NYC_Dockyard 09_NYC_Graveyard 09_NYC_Ship Mission 09_NYC_ShipBelow 09_NYC_ShipFan 10_Paris_Catacombs 10_Paris_Catacombs_Tunnels 10_Paris_Chateau 10_Paris_Club 10_Paris_Metro 11_Paris_Cathedral 11_Paris_Everett 11_Paris_Underground 12_Vandenberg_Cmd 12_Vandenberg_Computer 12_Vandenberg_Gas 12_Vandenberg_Tunnels 14_OceanLab_Lab 14_OceanLab_Silo 14_OceanLab_UC 14_Vandenberg_Sub 15_Area51_Bunker 15_Area51_Entrance 15_Area51_Final 15_Area51_Page